Aimee Lee 

Growing up, I surrounded myself in art, music, and theater. And starting at a young age, these small enjoyments have taught me a valuable skill — keeping in touch with human emotions.

Since then, my childhood experiences have helped me to tap into those human emotions and carefully build meaningful stories as a designer.

My name is Aimee Lee, and I’m a brand designer who focuses on building brand identities and storytelling.

Let’s connect!

Boston University
Advertisement, Art Direction

Currently freelancing. Previously worked at KotoTBWAChiatDay, TwentyFirstCenturyBrand, and Silk Studio

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Growing up, I surrounded myself in art, music, and theater. And starting at a young age, these small enjoyments have taught me a valuable skill — keeping in touch with human emotions.

Since then, my childhood experiences have helped me to tap into those human emotions and carefully build meaningful stories as a designer.

My name is Aimee Lee, and I’m a self-taught designer who focuses in brand identity and art direction.

Let’s connect!

Boston University
Advertisement, Art Direction

Currently freelancing.
Previously worked at Koto, TBWAChiatDay, TwentyFirstCenturyBrand, Silk Studio, and Design Museum Boston

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Brand Identity
Art Direction
Brand Guidelines

Our planet is out of sync. Companies need to drastically lower their carbon footprint for us to reach our global climate goals.

It's time to reduce emissions as quickly as possible and neutralize anything remaining. Patch is the platform putting us on a path to a planet in balance.

Agency: Koto
Creative Director: Deanna German
Design Director: Cary Hudson
Designers: Angela Yu, Aimee Lee
Copywriter: Wyatt Turner
Motion Designer: Tomasz Wysocki
Photographer: Tom Hegen
Client Executive: Phoebe Roberts

Tuesday Oct 5 2021
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