Aimee Lee 

Growing up, I surrounded myself in art, music, and theater. And starting at a young age, these small enjoyments have taught me a valuable skill — keeping in touch with human emotions.

Since then, my childhood experiences have helped me to tap into those human emotions and carefully build meaningful stories as a designer.

My name is Aimee Lee, and I’m a brand designer who focuses on building brand identities and storytelling.

Let’s connect!

Boston University
Advertisement, Art Direction

Currently freelancing. Previously worked at KotoTBWAChiatDay, TwentyFirstCenturyBrand, and Silk Studio

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Growing up, I surrounded myself in art, music, and theater. And starting at a young age, these small enjoyments have taught me a valuable skill — keeping in touch with human emotions.

Since then, my childhood experiences have helped me to tap into those human emotions and carefully build meaningful stories as a designer.

My name is Aimee Lee, and I’m a self-taught designer who focuses in brand identity and art direction.

Let’s connect!

Boston University
Advertisement, Art Direction

Currently freelancing.
Previously worked at Koto, TBWAChiatDay, TwentyFirstCenturyBrand, Silk Studio, and Design Museum Boston

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Rebrand Identity
Logo Design
I had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rebrand for Pasadena’s most favored Shell gas station, Replicant. Originally named Arroyo Shell, this nondescript, Los Angeles gas station is known to belly the treasures of over 200 crafted beers from across the country.

Brand Design: Troy Kreiner and Aimee Lee
3D Graphic Designer Brandon Braun and La Barbed
Audio Design: Moon Bounce and Timecop1983
Web Development: Kerry Gilbert

︎︎︎ GoodBeerHunting
︎︎︎ SoCalCraftBeer
︎︎︎ BeerSearchParty
︎︎︎ LosAngelesMagazine

Tuesday Oct 5 2021
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